Colorado Muslims Ramadan 2024 Workshop Planning Volunteers

Final Event Date
Saturday Feb 24 from 10-6

Final Event Location:

Clements Community Center
1580 Yarrow Street
Lakewood, CO 80214

Colorado Muslims Network is owned by Colorado Muslim Professionals, a state non-profit that works to collaborate and unite the Muslim community with Muslim Professionals and Youth.
Contact: or Text (720) 551-6397.

You can either lead or assist in these sessions.
This information is used only for the purpose of sending an email confirmation.
Checking this box implies that you accept full personal responsibility for any injuries or sickness from this event and will hold harmless the Organizers and Volunteers. Attendees must be in good health, free of any flu symptoms, and must not have tested COVID-19 positive in the last 14 days. Remember to hand wash often.